Moved from to thanks to @Chief Tooter :twit: and his team for hosting!
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2 people reshared this
@With_enough_coffee Welcome to mastodon. Looking forward to your posts!
With_enough_coffee ☕️ likes this.
Brad Detchevery reshared this.
hi newcomers!
everyone's going to tell you "Mastodon/the fediverse is different, you're wrong for feeling weird about it" but: ignore that — follow folks liberally to fill up your timeline. There's fewer discovery features, so better follow too much at first and unfollow later.
Hashtags are good too, if you follow me try #rustlang
everyone's going to tell you "Mastodon/the fediverse is different, you're wrong for feeling weird about it" but: ignore that — follow folks liberally to fill up your timeline. There's fewer discovery features, so better follow too much at first and unfollow later.
Hashtags are good too, if you follow me try #rustlang
Brad Detchevery reshared this.
@Simonscarfe it's probably fine too! I imagine it might eventually be used by chemistry enthusiasts though :P
Sean Morrison
•Brad Detchevery likes this.